Oita Do You consider this PLJ
Do You consider this PLJ
Hi Sifus, Do you consider this piece of red at 16 in PLJ?Have been with me for 1yr 2mths bought at 7 in.
Very slight ah not soo obvious
>to me for now (as least) it is not consider as PLJ.. my standard of PLJ is as long as the lower jaw not higher then the top of the top lip.. it should not be consider as PLJ.. but of cos other bro standard might be high and consider this as PLJ.
btw.. very nice color development.. so pls don be bother by the PLJ thing.. as long as PLJ is not observe and overall shape and color is good, then you should be happy
>No PLJ to me
>Nope to me. But considered not 100% scissor.
Try prevent it rubbing too much at glass will minimise plj to happen.
>No PLJ to me look thick lip to me.
Acceptable to me, just my opinion.
>Dont think so bro.. nice red btw!
>Very very minor only. Quite good already.
>thick lips I would say no plj.
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