fish The bottom filter cylinder I just bought will not be equipped with filter materials and ask the god to take meOnly bought 1.5 meters 43 wide, 85 high, 421L water, three bottom filter, no filter material.The filter material is sent.Currently there are parrots and swallows.There are two 300W heating rods, will it be smaller?More than 20 pieces of Sensen cards are sent by the heating rod fish merchant.Is this heating rod reliable? Zhongjiang County, Deyang City, Sichuan Province
======== Xiangyou Aquatic Alliance Yuyou said =====
Mengmenda earrings said: Wet and dry separation box is modified, the filter material is replaced by ac, and the heating rod is not good,
_Wolf soul_ said: the highest water level of the original Sensen factory is not enough, you have to increase the water level by five centimeters or the quantity of the filter material is not enough and the water quality will not be stable.
_狼魂_ Say: If you want to use nanospheres and a bacteria house for this tank, it will cost 85 pounds. This yellow stick has slag and has a short life. Or you can throw it away. If you dont want it, you can put it in the water tank
Jing Jingcao said: Find the owner
Say goodbye to Azure: the way this cabinet opens.Anti-human design
Ricky said every day: add a dry and wet separation box, add a filter material, and raise water first
Professor 999 said: High-quality filter material determines high-quality water quality, good water and good fish
Shantou old buried tuition
Parrot Baisuishan said: an 800-watt heating rod
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